A Special Fund to Support Children with Special Needs

Published by Debra L Eckerling on Feb 24,2022
Albert Elay Shaltiel and his wife Yael went through years of unsuccessful fertility treatments and were considering adoption.
After visiting a facility for disabled orphans in Haifa, they started raising and distributing money for medical equipment and therapy for sick children.
Then, in 2005, they were blessed with a natural pregnancy and a healthy son, Ilai Benyamin.
That same year, to express their gratitude for their son, they founded The ILAI Fund, a nonprofit organization that assists underprivileged special-needs, sick and disabled children in families experiencing financial hardships.
It helps families from all religious backgrounds and circumstances around the world.
Celebrating every Jewish soul on Hanukkah

Published by Rachel Avraham on December 25, 2019
Providing equality for the disabled is why the ILAI Fund established the Malachi Camp in Kiryat Gat.
Escape From Iran

Published by EBORAH DANAN on May 8, 2019
He was smuggled among the cargo of a truck that included weapons, opium and hoards of cash. The Revolutionary Guard seized the truck and Shaltiel was held captive for about three weeks.
The Iranian who remembered the Nazis’ disabled victims

Published on May 7, 2019
The Iranian Jewish founder of an organization dedicated to improving kids’ lives laid a wreath at Yad Vashem on Yom Hashoah in honor of the disabled victims of the Holocaust—and issued a warning about the Iranian threat.
Iranian American Jewish Federation Saluted by ILAI Fund

Published by Arutz Sheva on November 14, 2018
'Technology has given us the ability to provide a way for these special children to express their feelings.'
איראן זה שם

Published in MNews on April 22, 2018, written by Eran Kaminsky
איראן זה שם
אלברט שאלתיאל היה בן תשע כשפרצה המהפיכה החומיניסטית ברחובות טהרן • נסיבות חייו המיוחדות הביאו אותו לייסד קרן סיוע לילדים חולים ונכים

Published by The Jerusalem Post on April 12, 2018
The ILAI Fund ensures that we remember the ill and disabled victims of the Shoah
LA Couple Awarded for “Embracing the Jewish Tradition of Kindness Through the Generations”

Published by Jewish Link 20.10.2015
LA Couple Awarded for "Embracing the Jewish Tradition of Kindness Through the Generations"…
Faces of Israel: Shaltiel Family and the ILAI Fund

Published by United with Israel 6.5.2014
Albert and Yael Shaltiel struggled for years with infertility. But rather than harping on their own tribulations, they devoted themselves to children with serious medical issues – an initiative that culminated with the establishment in 2005 of the Ilai Fund, a nonprofit for the benefit of unfortunate children
How can you choose only one?

Published by Jewish Link 3.2.14
In a small family apartment high atop the Israeli city of Modiin, a husband and wife sit together as they pore over a thick black binder bursting with photos and medical records of sick Israeli children.
Helping Sick Israeli Children Produces Miracles

Published by The Jewish Press 30.4.2014
By Hana Levi Julian
A decision to help sick Israeli children in need led to miracles for Yael and Albert Shaltiel — and a special fund to help even more.
“Turning Tears Into Smiles”

Published by 5TJT
Mention the word “hero” to a child and he will probably think of the superheroes of comics and movie fame. The Ilai Fund children constitute an entirely different league of heroes…
Veterans: Devoted to the cause

Published by Jerusalem Post 7.9.2014
It seems unusual that a young Iranian Jew from a wealthy background should devote a major part of his time, energy and resources to helping sick...
Heroes and Angels. Tikun Olam With the ILAI Fund

Published by Jewish News 11.2.2013
On the Ilai Fund website you’ll meet some real heroes: bright lights of courage and hope, patience and inner strength, enthusiasm and phenomenal faith...
Father Teresa

Published by MNews 10.12.2010
אלברט ויעל שאלתיאל ממודיעין התקשו להיכנס להריון, אבל החליטו שבמקום לאמץ ילד אחד, הם יאמצו את כל בית האומנה בו חיפשו תוספת למשפחתם • כאשר בנם עילאי נולד במפתיע, הם הפכו את הסיוע לילדים למשרה מלאה, הקימו עמותה הנקראת על שמו של בנם, ומאז גייסו תרומות של מאות אלפי דולרים המסייעות לילדים חולים ופגועים