Congratulations to our 2018 Best Donating Angels of the year, Looking Beyond LA!

The ILAI Fund and the ladies of Looking Beyond LA have been collaborating for a few years. Looking Beyond is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and young adults with special needs. And that is exactly what our goal is at the ILAI Fund too! It has therefore been a very fruitful friendship.


In 2018 alone, Looking Beyond has supported 30 organisations, fundraising and then contributing $300,000! Some of this huge sum has reached the children here at the ILAI Fund, for a few consecutive years now, and for that we are grateful.

Dear Looking Beyond LA staff, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for having considered our cause worthy, and for helping us help special children. Thanks to you, a child has a better wheelchair. Another child has hearing aids. Another has been able to go to that expensive speech or hydro therapy. We hope that we still have ahead of us many years of working together and changing the world, one child at a time! We are honoured to award your organisation the Best Donating Angel award of the year 2019!